Do you know about all the awesome features that our Sensoria Run v2.0 app has to offer? These are just too cool not to take advantage of. And besides being cool, they can help you improve your performance. Who doesn't want a win-win scenario like that?
With our newly launched training plan feature, you can see both your plan summary as well as your training plan detail. The summary is a quick snapshot of when you started your plan, % of plan completed and tells you when your next session is scheduled. The details section provided an individualized workout by day to ensure you are not under or over training.
On the enhanced activities tab, you can graphically see the route that you took with metrics displayed at each point of data capture. Now you have a graphical trend analysis to show you when you were meeting, exceeding or maybe falling just a little short of your workout for that day and where you were on your run!

We are always interested in your feedback. Here is what one of our loyal customers recently had to say.
I’ve used Sensoria since their Kickstarter campaign and I can’t say enough good things about them! I didn’t grow up playing sports so running didn’t come naturally to me but I was tired of being overweight and suffering from low energy. I was fascinated from the moment I saw their product and when I received my first sensor and set of socks I was hooked. I never realized that I had been running incorrectly my whole life, which explained why it was always painful when I attempted it in the past. Sensoria’s product told me I was running flat-footed and encouraged me, through its virtual coach, to be mindful of my foot strike. It took patience and practice but now I am able to run 8+ consecutive miles! The digital coach also stresses the proper cadence, which is an important skill to learn when you begin running. I can say with complete certainty that Sensoria is a great product whether you are new to running and are looking for an alternative to an expensive running coach or if you just want to improve your running performance. Thanks in part to my Sensoria socks and sensors I’ve lost 60 lbs. and feel great! - Arien
So let us know how we are doing!
At Sensoria, we are committed to ensuring that you Run Far. Run Fast. Run Healthy™.