Earlier today on the Golf Channel, Morning Drive contributor, Matt Adams, and reporter, Chantel McCabe, highlighted the latest high-tech products to improve your golf game, including the Microsoft Sensoria Smart Grip. Last year, Sensoria partnered with Microsoft and Pro PGA Golfer, Bryson DeChambeau, on the creation of this prototype.
For you golf aficionados or aspiring players, you know that the grip is the foundation of your golf swing. Specifically, what you are doing with your grip pressure before and during the swing. These smart golf grips instrumented with pressure sensors are designed to give precise feedback on both your hand pressure as well as hand placement. In addition, the information extracted is uploaded into the cloud so that it can be properly analyzed. It is all done through the technology instrumented on the top of the club, Sensoria® Core, which Matt Adams describes as an “absolutely remarkable development”.
Why is pressure so important and what can you do with that knowledge? You are going to take most of this information back to your PGA professional or your coach and have them tell you where you are gripping and if you are gripping correctly. Normally, when you are a novice golfer your right hand has a tendency to slide over a little bit too much if you are prone to slicing the ball. This information is delivered to you via these sensors so that you can improve your game.
Enjoy the segment! If you would like additional information or to provide feedback please email info@sensoriainc.com.